Marita Davies, one of many caretakers of Kiribati stories

By Tank
August 29, 2024
1 min read
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Marita Davies is a storyteller, a caretaker of her community's stories, an emerging elder in the Kiribati community and one of the very capable, intelligent and conscious leaders of Tank.

Marita Davies believes that all Kiribati people are caretakers of stories, that they are passed on to us, through us and from us. Growing up in regional-Victoria, Marita did not always see her or her community reflected in the media around her. But, she is working on changing that. As an adult she uses her privileged opportunity living in Australia to re-tell these tales to her own children but also others.

More recently her stage play, 'The Flying Canoe', allowed young-Kiribati children to see themselves and their community on the stage. It has encouraged more opportunities for community to be proud of who they are, where they come from and how these Islands we also call home are intrinsic to our identities, especially while living in the diaspora.

Listen to the ABC Pacific Podcast here. 

Buy Teatoe and the Wall, Marita's book, here.

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