Australian Military Bank

How might we bring to life our legacy and connection as a partner to the Australian Defence Force?

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Your journey. Your bank.

As Australia's longest-serving Defence financial institution, Australian Military Bank has proudly supported those who protect Australia for over 65 years.

In recognition of the unique journey of its members, and its commitment to innovation and growth, a new member experience and brand marketing strategy was developed in partnership with our team at Tank.

Engaging with members, on-base personnel, employees, leadership and customer-facing staff, our qualitative analysis was able to develop insightful audience segmentation that linked member needs with the deep sense of moral courage inherent in the Bank's values and principles.

A refreshed visual identity system was developed to honour the organisation's legacy and leverage the timeless relationship it has with the Australian Defence Force.

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Debit Card Design

Engaging widely across the organisation we were able to listen intently to the views of employees, leadership and understand, most of all, the needs of members by spending valuable time on military bases with member-facing staff.

Group 1171274992
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AMB Logo Reversed
Group 1171274894
Group 1171274895

Member First

Placing the member at the centre of every decision that we make so that we understand how our actions impact our members.

Working for the greater good of the entire membership.

Understanding our members and delivering in a manner that supports their life, priorities and decision making.

Group 1171274977
Group 48095415

Display Moral Courage

The strength of character to align words and actions to say and do what is right, even when no one is watching.

Understanding the risks in decisions for members, individuals, and the bank.

Knowing our regulatory obligations so as not to compromise our members or our compliance obligations for growth.

Group 48095414

Earn Admiration
and Trust

The willingness of character to strive each day to be the best we can be and deliver quality in our work.

Owning interactions and the delivery of our responsibilities as individuals.

Aiming to achieve excellence in everything we do; decisions we make and actions we take.

Group 36
Group 1171274977

the Highest Standards

Displaying the humanity of character to value others and treat them with dignity and respect.

Doing what we say to instil trust and demonstrate reliability. 

Displaying emotional and relationship intelligence, owning our outcomes, and working collaboratively for the good of all.

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Australian Military Bank

As Australia's longest-serving Defence financial institution, Australian Military Bank has proudly supported those who protect Australia for over 65 years.

In recognition of the unique journey of its members, and its commitment to innovation and growth, a new member experience and brand marketing strategy was developed in partnership with our team at Tank.

Engaging with members, on-base personnel, employees, leadership and customer-facing staff, our qualitative analysis was able to develop insightful audience segmentation that linked member needs with the deep sense of moral courage inherent in the Bank's values and principles.

A refreshed visual identity system was developed to honour the organisation's legacy and leverage the timeless relationship it has with the Australian Defence Force.

Transformation Planning

Our discovery program engaged with organisational leaders and stakeholders to establish clarity within the key brand, culture and technology challenges; aligning them into clear transformational work-streams.

Working closely with organisational leadership we designed a transformation program across a number of operational work-streams that saw the bringing together of brand, leadership and culture.

Ensuring a commitment to regular engagement, and robust project-governance frameworks, we were able to ensure that everyone was on the same page and understood that realising a brand that was connected to members, was everybody's business.

Member & Audience Segmentation Research

We actively listened to the needs, perspectives and aspirations of members to develop a strategic approach to audience segmentation enabling Australian Military Bank to close member relationship gaps, and develop meaningful approaches to communication.

Engaging widely across the organisation we were able to listen intently to the views of employees, leadership and understand, most of all, the needs of members by spending valuable time on military bases with member-facing staff.

Brand Transformation Program

Our brand transformation program harnessed the power of qualitative insights from members to develop a visual identity design system that honoured the organisation's legacy, its connection to Defence and in support of its strategic plan.

The refreshed visual identity encapsulated purpose, vision, mission and values.

Underpinned by extensive research with members, staff and stakeholders, the renewed visual identity linked directly to the deep connection the organisation has with the Australian Defence Forces (ADF).

Ultimately, with employees engaged in a brand identity that clearly represents values and purpose, all are able to look forward to taking an exciting step into the Australian Military Bank's journey alongside its valued members.

Our work

Creative strategy
Corporate identity design
Illustration and art direction
Communications design
Website content strategy & IA
Website UI design